Let's get to know each other with a FREE 20 minute CONSULTATION! 562-631-8726
Let's get to know each other with a FREE 20 minute CONSULTATION! 562-631-8726
The perfect place to start your healthcare journey. And with our team, you definitely receive all the care for your health you’ve been searching for.
This first month will provide:
Find the nutritional healing your body needs for the special price of $369. Email me today!
Savings over $200
For those who have been searching and battling their health maladies for months or even years, this plan is for you!
This three month plan will provide:
Keeping a healthy balance is worth this special price of $999!
Contact me today!
Just like maintenance for your car, this plan is for the security of your continued good health. Love to touch base again!
A special price for all my amazing returning clients for $99. Would love to hear from you!
Having trouble with weight control, fatigue, moods or just uncomfortable every time you eat? These conditions may all be rooted in your digestive tract!
This 2 hour class will teach you:
Join me for a fun interactive virtual session that will:
Cost $99 which includes a
FREE special gift valued at $50
Feeling overwhelmed and too tired to get through your day productively? It’s not you, it could be your neurotransmitters!
This 2 hour class will help you find:
You will leave this class feeling:
Cost $99 which includes a
FREE special gift valued at $50
Does the pain and suffering of others and the world cause you distress? Sometimes at the cost of your own health and sanity? You could be an Empath and this class is for you!
This 4 part class will help you discover:
At the end of this series you will be empowered to:
Cost $300 per class which includes a
FREE special gift valued at $50
Stool / Parasitology Profile - Tired of taking pills that only mask your indigestion, constipation or diarrhea, and bloating? Find out what’s really going on in your digestive system. This innovative stool test precisely measures your digestive performance and function, gut inflammation, and what “bugs” should or shouldn’t be there.
Starting at $287
Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth (SIBO) - If you’re feeling bloated and gassy every time you eat, then this at home breath test may find the culprit. Analyze the possibility of an overgrowth of bacteria in your small intestine and enjoy the foods you’ve love but are afraid to eat!
Starting at $179
Adrenal Function - If you’ve been under a great deal of stress and are now struggling with weight gain, fatigue, foggy brain or sleep issues, it could be your adrenals. A salivary hormone test will evaluate your key stress hormones and guide us to the relief you’ve been searching for.
Staring at $159
Neurotransmitters - Anxiety, ADD/ADHD, sleep, cravings, and motivation are a few of the behaviors that are controlled by these messengers. When out of balance, they can turn your whole world upside down. Stop struggling to get through each day and feel like your true self again!
Starting at $169
Food Allergies / Sensitivities - Food sensitivities as opposed to food allergies are hard to define as sensitivities can show up as fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, weight gain/loss, insomnia and even behavior disorders in children. Receive a detailed guide to fine tune your eating plan and give you optimal health.
Starting at $150
Micronutrient / Mineral Analysis - Do you feel like your swallowing more supplements than you are eating real food? Don’t know which ones you really need and yet afraid to stop them? This test will not only tell you what your deficiencies may be but also if your nutrients are in the proper balance for maximum absorption.
Starting at $320
Click BELOW and take advantage of this FREE opportunity to ask me anything!! Free Meal Plan Included!